What We Do

Offered Services

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Evaluate the current state and partner to determine the most efficient resolution (Needs Analyses, Behavioral Assessments, etc.)


Career, Employee, Executive, and Team coaching for improved performance and/or effective leadership


Process consultation to map and streamline efforts for consistent, improved, and sustained performance


Individual and Team development for growth and succession planning

Leadership Preparation

Service Academy and ROTC readiness programs and networks

Workshop Facilitation

In person and virtual training for compliance and team development

Purchase of TAKE YOUR TURN! Book  (Additional Recommended Reading included with the book)


FREE TAKE YOUR TURN! Leader Facilitation Guide for joining the Leadership PEARLs Network (Offers a plan for guided discussions with young adults to practice leadership skills.)

Become a Leadership PEARL

Prepared, Equipped, And Ready to Lead

Enter your Email to JOIN and receive the Leader Facilitation Guide.